I love Spring!, The longer days and the sunshine are energizing. It is a perfect time to think reflectively, start new habits and truly plan the remainder of the year.
Many of my close friends and colleagues know that I get on my soapbox about the ever-changing workplace ecosystem. There has been an unmistakable shift in the “way we work” throughout the last few years, have you noticed?
I recently read a 2015 report from The U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics (view report) indicating that in the two (2) decades previous [to the release of these findings] U.S. self-employment rates were headed on a downward trend – falling from 12% to 10%. At the time of the report, 15 million Americans were self-employed. That, was then. Last week, I came across FreshBook’s 2nd Annual Self-Employment Report (view report #2) which indicates that by 2020, the number of independently—employed Americans in the workforce will swell to 42 million, tripling previous figures!
We have all heard the age-old adage that it takes, “21 days to form a new habit.” The idea behind the premise contends that by conditioning ourselves to re-learn the same thing, daily over a period of time – it eventually becomes ingrained in the way we think, the way we view the world around us and the way in which we engage others. So, with that in mind and with just 21 days until the first official day of Spring – I started to wonder what would be the best way to share tips with you in order to help you start changing the way you think about “employment,” for your association or non-profit in the coming years? I settled upon the idea of, “21 Tweets in 21 Days and 21 Ways to Understanding the New Workplace Paradigm,” or, #Paradigm21.
Each day, I will be tweeting a fresh perspective, a new idea or data pieces compiled from recent studies on this ever-changing industry. At the end of the 21 Days, all 21 Tweets will be posted here, in printable PDF format. To reference all 21 Tweets collectively, search #Paradigm21. Happy Spring and please follow me @r_achurch.